Plants of the Gila Wilderness

Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department of Natural Sciences

Hygrohypnum molle (Hedwig) Loeske

Family: Amblystegiaceae

Status: Native

Hygrohypnum dilitatum (Wilson) Loeske
Hygrohypnum smithii (Sw.) Broth. var. goulardii (Schimp.) Wijk & Margad.

Hygrohypnum molle is a pleurocarpous moss that can be found attached to rocks alongside upper elevation streams. It differs most conspicuously from H. ochraceum in that H. molle has nearly round (orbicular) leaves and no stem hyalodermis. H. molle has a variable costa that usually is double with one side reaching to midleaf or slightly beyond midleaf. The apex of the leaf of H. molle is obtuse or broadly acute with cells at the apex that are shorter than the very elongate midleaf cells. Hygrohypnum duriusculum is a very similar species that has a well-defined alar region of inflated, thick walled cells that have orange colored cell walls. The alar region of H. molle is poorly differentiated with elongate or a few rectangular cells that are not thick walled or discolored. The stem of H. molle has a weak central strand, unlike the stronger central strand of H. duriusculum.
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Hygrohypnum molle, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Rio Arriba County, 17 mi S of Chama, Corkin's Lodge, Upper Brazos Canyon, June 30, 3018

Hygrohypnum molle, photomicrograph of stem, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Rio Arriba County, 17 mi S of Chama, Corkin's Lodge, Upper Brazos Canyon, June 30, 3018

Hygrohypnum molle, photomicrograph of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Rio Arriba County, 17 mi S of Chama, Corkin's Lodge, Upper Brazos Canyon, June 30, 3018

Hygrohypnum molle, photomicrograph of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Rio Arriba County, 17 mi S of Chama, Corkin's Lodge, Upper Brazos Canyon, June 30, 3018

Hygrohypnum molle, photomicrograph of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Rio Arriba County, 17 mi S of Chama, Corkin's Lodge, Upper Brazos Canyon, June 30, 3018

Hygrohypnum molle, photomicrograph of leaf apex, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Rio Arriba County, 17 mi S of Chama, Corkin's Lodge, Upper Brazos Canyon, June 30, 3018

Hygrohypnum molle, photomicrograph of alar region of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Rio Arriba County, 17 mi S of Chama, Corkin's Lodge, Upper Brazos Canyon, June 30, 3018

Hygrohypnum molle, photomicrograph of alar region of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Rio Arriba County, 17 mi S of Chama, Corkin's Lodge, Upper Brazos Canyon, June 30, 3018

Hygrohypnum molle, photomicrograph of stem cross section, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Rio Arriba County, 17 mi S of Chama, Corkin's Lodge, Upper Brazos Canyon, June 30, 3018

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