Mosses of Lake County-- Sobefree 2021

Sobefree 2021

Sobefree #25 2021 Group

Muir Mill Cyn with Marisela

Brent Mishler and Ed Dearing led our intrepid sobefree-ers at Saratoga Springs Resort in Lake County in 2021. This sobefree was a bit different, modified to accomodate precautions for COVID-19. We still went on great field trips and enjoyed wonderful comraderie in the evenings. There were, however, no official indoor activities this year. The evening meetings were held outdoors with social distancing, and there were no group microscope sessions as in the past.
Upper Muir Mill Cyn

Karen in front of an Isothecium waterfall at Muir Mill Cyn

We split into two smaller groups for the field trips on Saturday and Sunday. One group went to Muir Mill Canyon with Marisela and Jim Shevock, and the other group was led by Brent Mishler on a beginner's guide to bryophytes on the grounds of the resort and then out to local hotspots after meeting up with Ed Dearing.
Leucolepis acanthoneura (Mniaceae) in Muir Mill Cyn

Bogg's Lake Ecological Preserve

On Sunday, the groups headed to either Muir Mill Cyn or Bogg's Lake Ecological Reserve. The Bogg's Lake site is as notable for the state listed wildflowers there as it is for bryophytes.

Wildflowers at Boggs Lake

Anthoceros, a hornwort

We all had a great time, and the weather was just perfect. Next year, sobefree26 will be held in southern California. Hope to see everyone there!

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